A481 Roux-en-Y gastric bypass after Sleeve Gastrectomy for gastro esophageal reflux with robotic assistance Available Poster Abstract Bariatric Bypass Reflux Roux-en-Y Sleeve
A474 Sleeve Gastrectomy with transit bipartition robot assisted Available Poster Abstract Bariatric Bypass Metabolic Nutrition Obesity Revision Roux-en-Y Weight Loss
A358 Long term metabolic effects and perioperative safety assessment: A comprehensive study of Laparoscopic vertical gastric clip in metabolic surgery. Available Poster Abstract Bariatric Laparoscopic Metabolic Obesity Weight Loss
A491 Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y-Fistulo-jejunostomy as a salvage procedure in unstable patient with Nissen-Sleeve gastrectomy fistula Available Video Abstract Bariatric Complications Obesity Reflux