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Substantial and durable weight loss achieved with bariatric surgery can improve cardiac metabolism, function, workload, and geometry. In this session, the role of bariatric surgery in the primary and secondary prevention of different cardiovascular diseases will be reviewed. Perioperative optimization and operative technical considerations to reduce cardiovascular risk will be discussed.

Learning Objectives

To learn the protective role of weight loss and bariatric surgery in risk education for different cardiovascular diseases including atherosclerotic heart disease, heart failure (HFrEF and HFpEF), and atrial fibrillation.

To discuss how bariatric surgery can be implemented in the care of patients with heart disease.

To learn perioperative optimization and operative considerations in high-risk cardiac patients.

To understand the current knowledge gap in the field.

1:30pm Cardiovascular Benefits of Weight Loss
Noel B Merz, MD
1:45pm Cardiovascular Risk Reduction with Bariatric Surgery
2:00pm How Can Bariatric Surgery Help with Heart Failure?
Tammy Kindel, MD/PhD
2:15pm Peri-Operative Optimization and Considerations in High-Risk Cardiac Patients
Rola Khedraki, MD FACC
2:30pm Operative Considerations in High-Risk Cardiac Patients
Abdelrahman Nimeri, MD
2:45pm Panel Discussion
3:00pm Adjourn