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Learning Objectives

Clinical Issues Committee:

  1. Describe a treatment algorithm based on current data for the management of marginal ulcer disease in patients who have undergone MBS.
  2. Understand recent data relating to CMS beneficiaries who undergo MBS in the United Stares.
  3. Recognize risks and benefits associated with endoscopic sleeve gastroparesis and one anastomosis gastric bypass procedures.

Rural Committee:

  1. To review outcomes of rural vs urban bariatric surgery, special needs of rural practices, financial and insurance considerations.
  2. Review the use of toolkits generated by metadata from multiple rural bariatric practices for the purpose of insurance negotiations and COE preparedness.
  3. Review the recent history and use of social media for interprofessional bariatric communication for the purposes of support networking between rural bariatric surgeons.

Clinical Issues Committee
8:00am ASMBS statement on Ulcerative Diseases after Bariatric Surgery with review of the literature
R. Wesley Vosburg, MD FACS FASMBS
8:10am ASMBS statement on metabolic and bariatric surgery for beneficiaries of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services with a review of the literature
Abdelrahman Nimeri, MD
8:20am Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty and its role in the treatment of obesity: a systematic review
Salvatore Docimo, Jr., DO MS FASMBS
8:40am The ASMBS statement on one-anastomosis gastric bypass and review of literature
8:50am Question and Answer
Rural Committee
9:00am Special Considerations in Rural Bariatric Surgery (7-minute fellow review followed by panel discussion)
Jessica Wright
9:15am Specialty Toolkits to Improve Rural Bariatric Program Startup and Efficiency (7 min)
Linden A Karas, MD FACS
9:22am Social Media in Bariatric Distance Care: History, Implementation, and Practice (7 min)
Abi James, MD
9:29am Closing
9:30am Adjourn