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Our session intends to share information with an audience interested in starting anti-obesity medication programs in their surgical practice.

Learning Objectives

  1. Educate the audience on the commonly used anti-obesity medications used by bariatric surgeons.
  2. Educate the audience on the benefits and utility of an anti-obesity pharmaceutical program within a bariatric surgical practice.
  3. Educate the audience on some of the pitfalls associated with off-label usage of certain medications and some of the hazards of using non-FDA-approved compounded medicines for weight loss.
  4. Educate the audience on the future relationship between AOM and the growth of our subspecialty.

10:15am Introduction
John Scott, MD
10:20am A Primer for AOM use in a Surgery Practice
Alice Wang, MD MHS
10:35am Maintaining Medical Management Program within a Surgical Practice
Peter S Billing, MD FASMBS
10:50am Perioperative Management of AOMs
Sarah Samreen, MD
11:05am Pitfalls of Off-label Medications and Compounding pharmacies
R. Wesley Vosburg, MD FACS FASMBS
Debate: AOMs are Critical to the Future of Bariatric Surgery vs AOMs are Detrimental to Future Surgical Practice
11:20am Debate: AOMs are Critical to the Future of Bariatric Surgery (PRO) vs AOMs are Detrimental to Future Surgical Practice (CON)
Rami Lutfi, MD FACS FASMBS; L. Renee Hilton-Rowe, MD; Colleen I Kennedy, FASMBS MBA MD
11:45am Question/Answer Session with Speakers Panel
Karina McArthur, MD
12:00pm Adjourn