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In this session participants will begin with support group basics to ensure they can facilitate a high-quality group. We will discuss advancing your group to provide support across multiple centers and programs. The session will end with an interactive workshop including resources to set up a group in your program, managing patients and collaborating with other group individuals.

Learning Objectives

  1. Participants will gain insight into tips and techniques for a successful session.
  2. Participants will list strategies to implement support group in multiple sites and centers.
  3. Participants will navigate difficult support group situations and formulate support group agenda and topics.

10:15am Intro
Sarah Muntel, RD
10:20am Support Group 101
Ninoska Peterson, PhD
10:40am Increasing your Reach
Cindy Hipszer
11:00am Finding Topics and Ways to Boost Attendance
Sarah Muntel, RD
11:20am Question and Answer
11:30am Support Group Workshop
Andrea Rigby, PsyD; Sarah Muntel, RD; Cindy Hipszer; Ninoska Peterson, PhD
11:55am Closing
Andrea Rigby, PsyD
12:00pm Adjourn