Learning Objectives
- Discover what is ready for use and what is forthcoming in surgical technology
- Consider whether the latest devices are superior to current therapies
- Compare competing options, especially in tissue approximation, balloon and magnetics
- Discern which options are ready for adoption and which need further study
10:15am |
Bariclip results so far and plans for US Trial Chris Daigle, FACS FASMBS MD |
10:25am |
Technique and outcomes of Nissen-sleeve Elizabeth Hechenbleikner, MD |
10:35am |
In the news: mini robots on the space Station Sarah Samreen, MD |
10:45am |
Intragastric balloon now and what’s next Mariano Palermo |
11:00am |
Endolumenal tissue approximation Carl Pesta, DO FASMBS |
11:15am |
Overview of robotic advances and future forecast Erik B Wilson, MD |
11:45am |
Magnetic anastomoses: compare and contrast the two companies Sarah Samreen, MD |
11:55am |
Question and Answer |
12:00pm | Adjourn |